
Embrace Health Foundation

Embrace Health Foundation

Our mission is to create self–esteem awareness and enhancement to facilitate health and well being, and to foster the legacy of change and build caring and empathy into the embrace of society. Our Charitable purposes are: To advance education on

NepalAbility Fall Campaign 2022

NepalAbility Fall Campaign 2022

NepalAbility is a charity organization dedicated to improving the lives of people living with a disability in Nepal. Our vision is to promote quality of life for patients and families living with disability by supporting sustainable rehabilitation. Our mission is

Veritas Fall Food Drive

Rising food prices combined with the surging cost of rent continue to add to the difficulties of those living on fixed and low incomes in Toronto. Recent media reports indicate GTA food banks are facing the highest demand in their

Indigenous Design Views Project

Indigenous Design Views Project

This publication is the result of a year long- studio in the Master of Architecture program at the University of Toronto’s John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture where it formed a pivotal component of the first-year program. A cultural experiment

Homes4Hope – 2022/2023 Fundraising

Homes4Hope – 2022/2023 Fundraising

For those living with a disability in world’s poorest countries, many are ostracized from their community and living in homes made of mud walls and thatch roofs that are unstable and unsafe. Providing these families with a safe home of

The Veritas Holiday Food Drive

The Veritas Holiday Food Drive

Twice a year the staff at Veritas get together to raise funds and food items for our local foodbanks.  During COVID, the need is greater than ever as more and more children and their families face the prospect of going