December 2022 Research Report on Employment in the Charity Sector is now Available

Employment is integral to the health of the Canadian economy. A study of employment in Canada’s Charitable Sector presents a timely analysis of the contribution the Sector makes to the country’s well-being. Data on total employment, total earnings, average earnings, and their changes over time are relevant economic proxies for the state of the Sector itself.

This report confirms the Sector’s importance both by total number of employees and the value of employment compensation. We extend the Sector report to include an analysis:
• by Full-time and Part-time employment;
• by Province;
• by Category of Charity;
• and by Size of Charity (small versus large).

We provide a discussion on the importance of volunteers, their motivations, and a calculation of the estimate of the economic value of their contribution. An appendix lists the Top 10 Large and Small Charities by Number of Employees and Total Compensation.

This report provides a benchmark for Charities in assessing their compensation and hiring policies.  It also presents useful insight for donors into a major cost of operating a Charity or Foundation.

Read the Executive Summary and get your complete copy of this valuable Research Report HERE.

December 2022 Research Report on Employment in the Charity Sector is now Available
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