Research Report – August 2022, Donor Advised Funds

Research Report – August 2022, Donor Advised Funds


This Report provides an update on the Canadian Donor-Advised Fund market. We present the important characteristics of DAFs, their pros and cons, the current Canadian environment for the product, and a case study of the more prominent and largest Canadian DAFs. New to the report is a section dedicated to Community Foundations.



Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) are one of the fastest-growing segments of the Canadian Charitable and Philanthropic sector. Although we believe the Canadian DAF market is 5-10 years behind the U.S. DAF market, we expect it to follow the same growth trajectory.

This Report provides an update on the Canadian Donor-Advised Fund market. We present the important characteristics of DAFs, their pros and cons, the current Canadian environment for the product, and a case study of the more prominent and largest Canadian DAFs. We also discuss Community Foundations, a particular segment of Canadian DAFs that are growing in popularity. The Canadian DAF market is presented in relation to similar markets in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia.

Research Report – August 2022, Donor Advised Funds

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