Our Annual Report on the Risks and Opportunities Facing the Charitable Sector in 2024 is Now Available

We are pleased to present our annual Top Risks and Opportunities Facing the Charitable Sector in 2024 is now available. 

In this report, we present the top four risks facing the Charitable and Foundation Sector for 2024 and some guidance to mitigate these risks.  New for this year, we present several opportunities for the Charitable Sector to supplement the four risks we have identified.

We cover four specific risks and offer strategic advice to manage them:
* Political Outcomes
* Economic Risk
* Technology
* Talent

We also present two valuable opportunities for Charities and Foundations and give many suggestions how they can take advantage of them:
* Relationships
* Technology

Read the Executive Summary and order our copy of the report HERE.

Our Annual Report on the Risks and Opportunities Facing the Charitable Sector in 2024 is Now Available
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