Welcome Edna Chu and Vicki Moretti to The Veritas Foundation Board of Directors

The Veritas Foundation is pleased to welcome Edna Chu and Vicki Moretti to its Board of Directors.

Edna Chu is a highly accomplished Wealth Management Compliance Executive with expertise in designing and implementing robust Compliance Risk Management programs. She has been instrumental in delivering key strategic initiatives, including business acquisitions and integrations, internal business reorganizations and significant regulatory implementations. Edna is currently an Executive Regulatory Compliance Consultant and is Chair/member of three mutual fund Independent Review Committees (NI81-107).

Vicki Moretti is a lawyer with over 30 years of experience. Prior to retirement in December 2018, for 28 years, she was employed by Legal Aid Ontario where she held the position as Vice President (Greater Toronto Area Region). She continues to participate in the non-profit sector and currently sits as Chair of the Board of Directors for the Rexdale Community Legal Clinic and as Secretary of the Board of Directors for Hospice Vaughan.

Both Vicki and Edna bring valuable experience and diversity to the Board and will help guide the foundation going forward. You can read more about them HERE.

Welcome Edna Chu and Vicki Moretti to The Veritas Foundation Board of Directors
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