Research Report on the Fundraising Methods used by Canadian Charities Now Available

Our most recent charity sector Research Report is now available for viewing. This report analyzes the fundraising methods used by Canadian Charities.

Many Charities use multiple types of fundraising. Given the limited resources to spend on fundraising, the
challenge is to find out which method of fundraising is most effective and efficient for the Charity. The
purpose of this report is to help in that process.

We begin by presenting the various options for fundraising with a commentary on each of their strengths and
weaknesses. We look at regulatory filing reports by the Charities to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) from
2016 to 2020 (the most recent complete filing period) to see which fundraising options are most popular,
efficient, and effective. This analysis is presented by Category of Charity and for the overall Charitable sector.
We also present many new methods of fundraising that have recently been introduced and are gaining in use

We provide analytical insights through the following studies:

• The percentage of Charities which report using a fundraising method to fund their operations.
• The number of Charities reporting the use of each method of fundraising for each of the five years
from 2016 to 2020.
• The percentage of each method of fundraising used by the Charitable sector for 2016 and 2020.
• The number of charities using multiple methods of fundraising.
• The percentage of charities using multiple methods of fundraising.
• The Top 3 most popular methods of fundraising used in the Charitable sector for 2016 and 2020.
• The Top 3 most popular methods of fundraising for each Charity Category for 2016 and 2020.
• Fundraising methods used Large Charities (those with more than $1 million in Total Revenue) compared to Small Charities.
• The growth or decline in the use of each method of fundraising from 2016 to 2020.
• The Total Donations raised by each method of fundraising in 2020.
• The Total Donations raised by each method of fundraising by the number of charities using the
method of fundraising in 2020.
• The Total Donations raised relative to Total Expended on Fundraising for each method of fundraising in 2020.

You can read the Executive Summary and order the full report HERE.

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Research Report on the Fundraising Methods used by Canadian Charities Now Available

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