The VERITAS CHARITY REVIEW is a data-driven analytical rating that measures how well a Charity has performed compared to similar Charities in size and Category. The Rating Review provides a Star Rating from 1 to 5 stars.
To calculate the Basic Star Rating, Veritas uses publicly available data to accumulate answers to 125 questions. A Pro Star Rating is also available which includes insight to an additional 200 questions.
The rating considers data accumulated in four Pillars: Strategy, Finance, Governance, and Impact.
The Basic Star Rating is a good first step for donors seeking information about a Canadian Charity in a Support Category of interest to the donor.
Our intensive Charity Review will:
- Provide you with insight into your operations and performance relative to your peers;
- Help you to better monitor your charity’s impact and effectiveness;
- Help you plan and build for the future;
- Instill donor confidence in your organization;
- Enable you to reach a larger market and have a greater impact with your programs.

We will provide a comprehensive study which includes:
- A complete review of the activities, financial performance, and impact of your charity in the areas that you operate.
- Interactive meetings with personnel from your Charity to gain a complete understanding of your mission and programs.
- A detailed report delivered to you which provides a complete and comprehensive review of your Charity.
- A final Charity Ratings Review based on a five-star performance metric.
- A set of recommendations that will help guide management in steps to improve the Charity’s performance and impact.
- The opportunity to use your Charity Ratings Review publicly, or to retain them privately for your internal use.
- The opportunity to participate in the Veritas Charity Ratings Services public profiling of the Charity sector and its constituent parts. This will include an Annual Report of the sector, Rankings, and Awards recognition.
Upon completion of this comprehensive plan, we will continually assess the Charity Ratings Review on a quarterly basis to ensure it is up-to-date and relevant. An annual detailed review will incorporate changes that have occurred in the Charity since the previous annual review, including an updated Charity Ratings Review.