Raising Awareness About Digital Dangers – RAADD

Raising Awareness About Digital Dangers (RAADD) is a Canadian initiative dedicated to reversing the detrimental effects of technology on childhood and promoting a return to play-based childhoods.

Raising Awareness About Digital Dangers – RAADD
Raising Awareness About Digital Dangers – RAADD
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There is tremendous evidence indicating a strong correlation between smartphone use and various issues. RAADD, in collaboration with leading experts and professionals, is launching a comprehensive national campaign that includes workshops, seminars, a comprehensive handbook, and online initiatives. Our goal is to urgently and effectively educate and engage parents, teachers, and students across Canada.

Raising Awareness About Digital Dangers (RAADD) is a Canadian initiative combating the effects of social media and promoting play-based childhoods. Founded 12 years ago in Toronto, Ontario as the Celebrate YOU Tour, RAADD provides education for kids, parents, and teachers about the risks of digital devices. RAADD delves in to the mental, physical, and legal implications of technology use.

RAADD is launching a national education and awareness campaign with workshops, seminars, a manifesto guidebook, and online initiatives to educate parents, teachers, and students across Canada.

Founder, Margot Denomme, JD, has practiced Criminal Law in Toronto for over 26 years. Concerned about the impact of a beauty-obsessed culture on children’s self-esteem, she wrote Mommy, am I pretty? and Awesome Inside + Out! These books help start conversations with children about real beauty beyond filters and Photoshop.

Margot has been featured on CBC Metro Morning, CTV National News, CBC Radio, CHCH Morning Show, Be Kind Entertainment, and the Global Morning Show. She is a sought-after keynote speaker at empowerment events. The Dove Self-Esteem Fund Real Beauty Campaign endorsed Mommy, am I pretty? as “a beautiful read that instills the valuable lesson that real beauty lies within.”

Margot has extensive experience in systemic process change and has been involved with modernizing the criminal justice system. Her legal background, coupled with her passion for children’s mental health, drive her commitment to RAADD‘s mission. Together, we can protect our children and ensure a healthier, safer, and play-based future for them.

Raising Awareness About Digital Dangers – RAADD

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