Rainbow Faith & Freedom

Please help us achieve our mission to confront religious-based LGBTI discrimination and improve the human and equality rights of LGBTI people everywhere by providing stable, recurring operating revenue for our organization.

Rainbow Faith & Freedom
Rainbow Faith & Freedom
$1,650.00 donated
4 Donors

Rainbow Faith And Freedom Is A Global Movement To Confront Religious-Based LGBTI Discrimination and improve the human and equality rights of LGBTI people everywhere. Decreasing and lessening the effects of religious-based LGBTI discrimination can, and will, make changing punitive laws easier and improve the lives of LBGTI people so they can be who they are, love who they want, and find safe and accepting places to practice their faith (worship).

We need your help!  Although we receive project funding for our activities, we require dependable donation revenue to sustain our operations over the long term.

Our projects take time to come to fruition.  We want to make sure that we have a positive and lasting impact in the challenging areas we work.  Sustainability is the key, and with your recurring quarterly donations, we will have the safety and comfort to do our good work.


Rainbow Faith & Freedom will improve the lives of LGBTI people globally by confronting and decreasing religious-based LGBTI discrimination.


Working to inspire faith communities and families to be safe places for LGBTI people by changing the hearts and minds of individuals around the world.

Rainbow Faith & Freedom

3 thoughts on “Rainbow Faith & Freedom

  • 31 December 2024 at 1:31 pm

    I’m a great supporter of Rev Brent Hawkes and his world vision

  • 31 December 2024 at 1:54 pm

    Im a strong supporter of Rev. Brent Hawkes and his world vision.

  • 31 December 2024 at 2:08 pm

    Rev Brent Hawks and staff are doing a great job of getting the message out.


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