99.3 County FM

99.3 County FM
99.3 County FM
$2,160.00 donated
15 Donors

Donors like you enable the heartbeat of The County, 99.3 County FM, to continue to beat!  

Your donation directly supports the only radio station focused solely on the needs of Prince Edward County residence. As a physically large island and diverse community, the station’s aim is to be “the place where we all come together”, supported by an FM signal at 99.3 FM and online streaming www.993countyfm.ca to ensure we reach all parts of the County.


99.3 County FM has been on the air since October 2014. 

The station is now one of the five largest community radio stations in Canada.  

The beauty of community radio is that the people on air are all local and very REAL. They do their volunteer shows for the love of the music they play and stories they tell and do it for the pride in their local community they live in.

Donations are an essential part of the funding needed to keep our not-for-profit on the air and serving our community. Advertising revenue only provides two-thirds of the funds needed to keep our station on the air.


99.3 County FM

One thought on “99.3 County FM

  • 1 February 2025 at 9:24 am

    We can now get decent reception of the station on the south shore of County Road 13.


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